Let me explain why the "santa claus" argument is nonsensical to me. Let's just apply it to a non-emotionally charged issue. Something we all believe in, even without proof. That is the love others have for us. The true motives of others can never be proven yet we all believe that someone in this god-forsaken world loves us, don't we? For example, I believe my parents love me but I can't prove it. I would even go so far as to say I know my parents love me. Would it be reasonable to say "I don't believe anyone loves me because I can't prove that love exists"? If I said "my wife loves me" would you say "no she doesn't because you can't prove that love exists therefore she doesn't... in fact, Paul, if you believe anyone loves you you may as well believe in the easter bunny!"? Of course not. So the "santa claus" argument doesn't convince me that my beliefs are false, rather, they indicate the biases of the person saying them. For example, if my friend had a bad relationship with his wife, I can sympathize with why he might not believe that my wife has love for me... but I won't believe him based on that. So, the way I see it, we all believe in the existence of something for which there is no proof. By one definition "God is Love" so, in one sense, we all already believe in God. If Love exists, and God is love, then God exists. That's all the proof I need.